

Today I have a part-time job.
So after school I have to go=(
I am very sleepy=(
So I want to sleep a little.
But I have no time.
I have to sleep early tonight.
Now I am hungry.
I woke up late.
So I could not eat breakfast=(
I have one more class today=(
...SEE you\(^O^)/



Today is saturday.
I didn't have any plans.
*In The Morning*
So I cleaned my room.
It became very beautiful.
I want to move some furniture.
So next time I am going to try .
*In The Afternoon*
I did my homework.
I read an English book.
It was very difficult for me.
We must read a book and answer some questions.
First I always could not correct =(
But recently I can correct^^
I can choose correct answer.
So I enjoyed its class.
I will eat dinner with friends.
They are my good friends when I was high school student^^
So I am looking forward to meeting them.
Before dinner I think I go shopping.
I also look forward to go shopping.



This is my first blog!!!
I am looking forward to write.
I go to university.
And I study English.☆
Recently I study for TOEIC test.
I want high score.
So I study hard.
I'll do my best^^
SEE YOU\(^O^)/